Saturday, February 21, 2015

Why promote someone's product

Promoting someone else’s product, anonymously, with no face-to-face contact, no high pressure sales methods, and still earning a huge commission is mind-blowing to most people.

That's the power of affiliate marketing.

You don’t have to worry about customer support, taking orders, replying to emails, developing sales copy, or delivery of the product. You have no inventory and no storefront. You don't have to process credit cards or deal with bounced cheques. You’re free to promote any type of product in any niche market.

You make a referral that plants the seed. Then, sometimes moments, sometimes even months later - the customer buys the product. And once that sale is made, you get a commission. The best part is that the commission can be anywhere from 10% of the sales price to 200% of the price of the product you are promoting.

Sound too good to be true? That's what I thought. But now I know better. Here's the secrets that explain WHY affiliate marketing is so attractive to companies, why they pay these huge commissions and how you can easily set up an on-line business to capitalize on it.

Click here to read more


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