So, I got a little feedback about my earlier post about lean and six sigma. I love the feedback - it tells me people are actually paying attention and this stuff does not just disappear into the internet back hole.
Anyway, the feedback was that there was a tone of sarcasm and cynicism in the post that the reader wanted to point out. I’m glad they did. Because I had intentionally put those remarks in.
If you are posting on-line or coaching or consulting, you can’t be wishy-washy. You can’t be middle of the road. You need to have an opinion. You need to take a side. It’s like the daytime talk show hosts - they are there and successful because they take a side and express their opinion. The fact that you may or may not agree creates the dynamic. That’s what sells - that’s what creates traffic (viewers).
One of the keys to becoming successful very quickly is to find someone who is where you want to be, observe what they have done, and model their behavior. It goes with my moto in an earlier post - steal shamelessly - find what works and apply it in your business - fast.
There are two sad parts about this process that I have observed.
The first sad part is when someone takes the ideas, forgets where they came from and claims it as their own. Now I understand that our thoughts are simply a mashup of our education, experience and readings, but outright plagiarism and corporate ladder climbing by stolen ideas is inexcusable. Unfortunately in this world we have to rely on Carma to correct this injustice. Just don’t do it - give credit where credit is due.
The second sad part is when we “fix” the idea before we apply it. “Great idea, but I’ll just apply these few tweaks before I implement it here”. Be careful that you are not tweaking out the very thing that made the idea successful. Remember who is the one that is successful here - it ain’t you - yet. So model the idea exactly as you observed it until you see some success implementing it. Once you see success, then you can tweak it.
Consider lean standard work as an example. We don’t let a new person working in our area tweak the way things are done right off the bat. First you learn how we do tasks by following standard work. It’s ok to ask why, and presumably the people working there can adequately explain why, but follow the standard work. Once the standard is mastered ie: you are proficient in doing the work at takt time and can teach others how to do it as well, it is our RESPONSIBILITY to explore how to tweak it.
The essence of Lean is to continuously improve how the work is done (kaizen) by engaging the people that are doing the work.
Read more here
Norm Bain
Thursday, October 27, 2016
How To Implement Lean (Step-By-Step)
If you have been involved with Lean and studying the power of the Lean methodology, you’ll soon realize there is a world of difference between learning the tools, implementing the strategy and changing the culture.
There are many courses and programs on-line that will teach the tools. Fact is, that’s the easy part. A quick search at Amazon will provide a complete library of knowledge about lean tools and the industries where it has been successfully applied. That’s where most people get started. And that’s also where most people go wrong. Lean is more than a set of tools. It is a set of building blocks that, when done properly, fundamentally changes the way we view and do work.
Click here to keep reading and discover how to implement lean step-by-step
There are many courses and programs on-line that will teach the tools. Fact is, that’s the easy part. A quick search at Amazon will provide a complete library of knowledge about lean tools and the industries where it has been successfully applied. That’s where most people get started. And that’s also where most people go wrong. Lean is more than a set of tools. It is a set of building blocks that, when done properly, fundamentally changes the way we view and do work.
Click here to keep reading and discover how to implement lean step-by-step
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Expert or Explorer
So, I’m seeing lots of chatter in my inbox and on blog posts about how new people get started building an on-line following. One of the big fears seems to be “expert status”. Why the heck would anyone follow me or you if we are not an expert on the subject matter?
Interesting thought - my first response is “because it’s a discovery process, that’s what learning is all about, learn-try-discover-correct”.
Then I’m reading this book by perhaps the best known instant change agent in the world, Tony Robbins. He says that he dislikes “dabblers”, people who are not yet experts, but who post advice on how to succeed by following them through their discovery process. Then he proceeds to talk about how he got started ... before he was an expert and working with Jim Rohn. He talks about setting himself up with no-where to turn but to be successful ... by painting himself into a corner with no escape route and challenging a patient who has been working unsuccessfully with a professional psychiatrist for years.
It’s kind of like Cortes landing in Veracruz in 1519, to begin his conquest. His first action upon arrival was to order his men to burn the boats. Was this bold or insane? Most of us cling to an escape hatch or safety net “just in case”. But Cortes figures burning the boats means they MUST find a way to succeed and takes away the excuses and the safety net.
Same as Tony when he set himself up with the Fast Phobia Cure process. And of course he was successful with it, otherwise he would not be telling the story in his book.
So why are we fearful of following someone who is on a discovery path, rather than an expert? After all, I’m sure we can better relate to the fellow on the discovery path. Most of us never consider ourselves experts. And oh, by the way, there was a time when even the "experts" were starting out - just like Tony.
I’m reminded of one day in a manufacturing plant when I was implementing lean, and the CEO came to the floor. He told me he wanted me to hire a process engineering expert and spend a week off site in a room designing the plant reconfiguration so we could make this happen fast. He didn’t have time for this. It wasn’t much later that I was leading a different lean implementation and watched as the board disassembled and sold the plant assets from the CEO control.
Success with lean is achieved by changing the culture to empower the people doing the work to change how the work is done. It is a discovery process, learn-try-discover-correct.
So perhaps your path to increasing your on-line following is by following someone who is taking the same journey as you, albeit a bit further ahead in progress.
Many of the so-called experts have never successfully done what you are trying to do. Better to observe and learn from those blazing the trail?
I like the advice from T. Harv Eker ...
The most important thing you could do in your entire life when it comes to success, especially with a new project, a new business, a new situation, or whatever it is, is get in the game.
“I need to make more connections first.” Is that the game? No. That’s preparing for the game. “I need to save up more capital first.” Is that in the game?
Listen, you can practice, you can warm up, you can prepare, you can get the baseball uniform, you can watch baseball, you can watch baseball videos, you can get the bat, and you can get the ball.
You can do all those things, but it’s not until you’re standing in the arena at home plate with someone throwing you the ball, and you taking a swing with the bat, that you’re actually in the game.
Norm Bain
Interesting thought - my first response is “because it’s a discovery process, that’s what learning is all about, learn-try-discover-correct”.
Then I’m reading this book by perhaps the best known instant change agent in the world, Tony Robbins. He says that he dislikes “dabblers”, people who are not yet experts, but who post advice on how to succeed by following them through their discovery process. Then he proceeds to talk about how he got started ... before he was an expert and working with Jim Rohn. He talks about setting himself up with no-where to turn but to be successful ... by painting himself into a corner with no escape route and challenging a patient who has been working unsuccessfully with a professional psychiatrist for years.
It’s kind of like Cortes landing in Veracruz in 1519, to begin his conquest. His first action upon arrival was to order his men to burn the boats. Was this bold or insane? Most of us cling to an escape hatch or safety net “just in case”. But Cortes figures burning the boats means they MUST find a way to succeed and takes away the excuses and the safety net.
Same as Tony when he set himself up with the Fast Phobia Cure process. And of course he was successful with it, otherwise he would not be telling the story in his book.
So why are we fearful of following someone who is on a discovery path, rather than an expert? After all, I’m sure we can better relate to the fellow on the discovery path. Most of us never consider ourselves experts. And oh, by the way, there was a time when even the "experts" were starting out - just like Tony.
I’m reminded of one day in a manufacturing plant when I was implementing lean, and the CEO came to the floor. He told me he wanted me to hire a process engineering expert and spend a week off site in a room designing the plant reconfiguration so we could make this happen fast. He didn’t have time for this. It wasn’t much later that I was leading a different lean implementation and watched as the board disassembled and sold the plant assets from the CEO control.
Success with lean is achieved by changing the culture to empower the people doing the work to change how the work is done. It is a discovery process, learn-try-discover-correct.
So perhaps your path to increasing your on-line following is by following someone who is taking the same journey as you, albeit a bit further ahead in progress.
Many of the so-called experts have never successfully done what you are trying to do. Better to observe and learn from those blazing the trail?
I like the advice from T. Harv Eker ...
The most important thing you could do in your entire life when it comes to success, especially with a new project, a new business, a new situation, or whatever it is, is get in the game.
“I need to make more connections first.” Is that the game? No. That’s preparing for the game. “I need to save up more capital first.” Is that in the game?
Listen, you can practice, you can warm up, you can prepare, you can get the baseball uniform, you can watch baseball, you can watch baseball videos, you can get the bat, and you can get the ball.
You can do all those things, but it’s not until you’re standing in the arena at home plate with someone throwing you the ball, and you taking a swing with the bat, that you’re actually in the game.
Norm Bain
Expert or Explorer
So, I’m seeing lots of chatter in my inbox and on blog posts about how new people get started building an on-line following. One of the big fears seems to be “expert status”. Why the heck would anyone follow me or you if we are not an expert on the subject matter?
Interesting thought - my first response is “because it’s a discovery process, that’s what learning is all about, learn-try-discover-correct”.
Then I’m reading this book by perhaps the best known instant change agent in the world, Tony Robbins. He says that he dislikes “dabblers”, people who are not yet experts, but who post advice on how to succeed by following them through their discovery process. Then he proceeds to talk about how he got started ... before he was an expert and working with Jim Rohn. He talks about setting himself up with no-where to turn but to be successful ... by painting himself into a corner with no escape route and challenging a patient who has been working unsuccessfully with a professional psychiatrist for years.
It’s kind of like Cortes landing in Veracruz in 1519, to begin his conquest. His first action upon arrival was to order his men to burn the boats. Was this bold or insane? Most of us cling to an escape hatch or safety net “just in case”. But Cortes figures burning the boats means they MUST find a way to succeed and takes away the excuses and the safety net.
Same as Tony when he set himself up with the Fast Phobia Cure process. And of course he was successful with it, otherwise he would not be telling the story in his book.
So why are we fearful of following someone who is on a discovery path, rather than an expert? After all, I’m sure we can better relate to the fellow on the discovery path. Most of us never consider ourselves experts. And oh, by the way, there was a time when even the "experts" were starting out - just like Tony.
I’m reminded of one day in a manufacturing plant when I was implementing lean, and the CEO came to the floor. He told me he wanted me to hire a process engineering expert and spend a week off site in a room designing the plant reconfiguration so we could make this happen fast. He didn’t have time for this. It wasn’t much later that I was leading a different lean implementation and watched as the board disassembled and sold the plant assets from the CEO control.
Success with lean is achieved by changing the culture to empower the people doing the work to change how the work is done. It is a discovery process, learn-try-discover-correct.
So perhaps your path to increasing your on-line following is by following someone who is taking the same journey as you, albeit a bit further ahead in progress.
Many of the so-called experts have never successfully done what you are trying to do. Better to observe and learn from those blazing the trail?
I like the advice from T. Harv Eker ...
The most important thing you could do in your entire life when it comes to success, especially with a new project, a new business, a new situation, or whatever it is, is get in the game.
“I need to make more connections first.” Is that the game? No. That’s preparing for the game. “I need to save up more capital first.” Is that in the game?
Listen, you can practice, you can warm up, you can prepare, you can get the baseball uniform, you can watch baseball, you can watch baseball videos, you can get the bat, and you can get the ball.
You can do all those things, but it’s not until you’re standing in the arena at home plate with someone throwing you the ball, and you taking a swing with the bat, that you’re actually in the game.
Norm Bain
Interesting thought - my first response is “because it’s a discovery process, that’s what learning is all about, learn-try-discover-correct”.
Then I’m reading this book by perhaps the best known instant change agent in the world, Tony Robbins. He says that he dislikes “dabblers”, people who are not yet experts, but who post advice on how to succeed by following them through their discovery process. Then he proceeds to talk about how he got started ... before he was an expert and working with Jim Rohn. He talks about setting himself up with no-where to turn but to be successful ... by painting himself into a corner with no escape route and challenging a patient who has been working unsuccessfully with a professional psychiatrist for years.
It’s kind of like Cortes landing in Veracruz in 1519, to begin his conquest. His first action upon arrival was to order his men to burn the boats. Was this bold or insane? Most of us cling to an escape hatch or safety net “just in case”. But Cortes figures burning the boats means they MUST find a way to succeed and takes away the excuses and the safety net.
Same as Tony when he set himself up with the Fast Phobia Cure process. And of course he was successful with it, otherwise he would not be telling the story in his book.
So why are we fearful of following someone who is on a discovery path, rather than an expert? After all, I’m sure we can better relate to the fellow on the discovery path. Most of us never consider ourselves experts. And oh, by the way, there was a time when even the "experts" were starting out - just like Tony.
I’m reminded of one day in a manufacturing plant when I was implementing lean, and the CEO came to the floor. He told me he wanted me to hire a process engineering expert and spend a week off site in a room designing the plant reconfiguration so we could make this happen fast. He didn’t have time for this. It wasn’t much later that I was leading a different lean implementation and watched as the board disassembled and sold the plant assets from the CEO control.
Success with lean is achieved by changing the culture to empower the people doing the work to change how the work is done. It is a discovery process, learn-try-discover-correct.
So perhaps your path to increasing your on-line following is by following someone who is taking the same journey as you, albeit a bit further ahead in progress.
Many of the so-called experts have never successfully done what you are trying to do. Better to observe and learn from those blazing the trail?
I like the advice from T. Harv Eker ...
The most important thing you could do in your entire life when it comes to success, especially with a new project, a new business, a new situation, or whatever it is, is get in the game.
“I need to make more connections first.” Is that the game? No. That’s preparing for the game. “I need to save up more capital first.” Is that in the game?
Listen, you can practice, you can warm up, you can prepare, you can get the baseball uniform, you can watch baseball, you can watch baseball videos, you can get the bat, and you can get the ball.
You can do all those things, but it’s not until you’re standing in the arena at home plate with someone throwing you the ball, and you taking a swing with the bat, that you’re actually in the game.
Norm Bain
Thursday, June 30, 2016
How to get more done today than most do in a week
Taking massive action! What does than mean? Conventional wisdom says to get ahead you have to knuckle down and work harder. I totally disagree. We need to work smarter.
Most people are too busy to be productive. All their time is taken up on tasks that don’t make a difference.
Tony Robbins teaches the RPM method. The Results-Purpose-Map. It’s a great tool to get stuff done. If you watch his video, you’ll get the basics of the system. Keep reading and I’ll tell you how it works.
That’s the essence of my steal shamelessly philosophy - seek out ideas, concepts and systems that work and figure out how to apply them to your advantage in your unique situation. Each situation is unique - that’s why you can’t just apply cookie cutter approaches. You and I don’t think like Tony Robbins - if I did, I’d be leading a much richer life! But we can apply his ideas and techniques to our own unique situation!
Step 1: The Dump - Empty your head.
People carry great ideas in their head. They solve the problems of the world in their sleep. They have awesome ideas for moving forward. But they store them in RAM upstairs. And as the day goes by, that idea or thought gets lost. It needs to be captured.

Keep reading
Most people are too busy to be productive. All their time is taken up on tasks that don’t make a difference.
Tony Robbins teaches the RPM method. The Results-Purpose-Map. It’s a great tool to get stuff done. If you watch his video, you’ll get the basics of the system. Keep reading and I’ll tell you how it works.
That’s the essence of my steal shamelessly philosophy - seek out ideas, concepts and systems that work and figure out how to apply them to your advantage in your unique situation. Each situation is unique - that’s why you can’t just apply cookie cutter approaches. You and I don’t think like Tony Robbins - if I did, I’d be leading a much richer life! But we can apply his ideas and techniques to our own unique situation!
Step 1: The Dump - Empty your head.
People carry great ideas in their head. They solve the problems of the world in their sleep. They have awesome ideas for moving forward. But they store them in RAM upstairs. And as the day goes by, that idea or thought gets lost. It needs to be captured.

Keep reading
Saturday, April 30, 2016
A taste of reality
In most organizations, the leaders assumption about what is happening in the workplace on a daily basis does not align with what is really taking place. Does that sound surprising?
I hope not. If you are becoming involved with lean thinking in your organization, I’m sure by now you’ve heard of the gemba walk. When was the last time you were in the gemba - the place where value is added for your customer? Go there - you may be surprised at what you find.
Most leaders in organizations are really good at:
1. Setting direction with challenging targets
2. Spotting abnormalities, waste and opportunities that others fail to see.
That can sometimes lead to big frustration and stress. A feeling that you constantly have to "babysit" and subscribing to the stress reduction kit to hang on your office wall - "bank head here".
Continue Reading by clicking here ...
I hope not. If you are becoming involved with lean thinking in your organization, I’m sure by now you’ve heard of the gemba walk. When was the last time you were in the gemba - the place where value is added for your customer? Go there - you may be surprised at what you find.
Most leaders in organizations are really good at:
1. Setting direction with challenging targets
2. Spotting abnormalities, waste and opportunities that others fail to see.
That can sometimes lead to big frustration and stress. A feeling that you constantly have to "babysit" and subscribing to the stress reduction kit to hang on your office wall - "bank head here".
Continue Reading by clicking here ...
Friday, April 29, 2016
Are you a consultant, coach or marketing executive?
Do you earn your living with information products?
Do you use websites, ebooks, emails or training programs to market your products?
If so, I guarantee you are leaving big money on the table – literally hundreds of thousands of dollars that could be in your pocket - real money that you are giving away - every day - unless you are using the simple secret.
This is NOT the power of the universe secret - "think positive thoughts and they will manifest themselves into your life".
No, this secret is real world, practical advice that will change your thinking about what to put into the information products you offer and thousands of dollars into your pocket. And I guarantee that this information is not available anywhere else on the planet - on the internet or off line.
Do you earn your living with information products?
Do you use websites, ebooks, emails or training programs to market your products?
If so, I guarantee you are leaving big money on the table – literally hundreds of thousands of dollars that could be in your pocket - real money that you are giving away - every day - unless you are using the simple secret.
This is NOT the power of the universe secret - "think positive thoughts and they will manifest themselves into your life".
No, this secret is real world, practical advice that will change your thinking about what to put into the information products you offer and thousands of dollars into your pocket. And I guarantee that this information is not available anywhere else on the planet - on the internet or off line.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
The Journey To Lean
Lean is not a new concept. These days most manufacturing facilities, many service companies and several public services have been introduced to the power of these tools. Many organizations claim to be using lean and several consulting firms offer implementations.
So why do so many organization struggle to implement lean?
// Norm
So why do so many organization struggle to implement lean?
// Norm
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Learning to SEE
In my consulting business I see missed focus and missed opportunity all the time. The chaos of day-to-day survival in the corporate world makes remaining focused really, really hard. People who have been introduced to lean are pumped about implementing tools. They come back from a conference or training wanting to change the world - make a difference - let's get going! The missing ingredient is “learning to see”. Not everything is a hammer or a nail. Just because you have a tool does not mean you have to use it all the time. Take the time to "See" where to start the journey. "See" what’s really going on, not what’s supposed to happen. "Listening" to ideas from the people doing the work. "See" what’s adding value to the customer. "See" what can leadership can do and say to move the process forward today.
I’m tempted to fall into this chaos trap myself. When visiting a business, I’ll often spot an opportunity to apply something I’ve learned while running the restaurant, or from the world of manufacturing. It's really tempting to stop and spew my "great" ideas. It’s totally painful not to point these ideas out to business leaders right then and there - on the spot. While it may be a great thought or idea, it’s essential as a consultant or coach to remember implementing change is like feeding the birds
Christian Mickelsen pointed out these 3 insights from watching people feed the birds;
#1) When you chase anyone, their instinctive reaction is to run away. Even when you chase them with something they want!
#2) When you toss out a few tasty bits, you start attracting to the point of having them eating out of the palm of your hand.
#3) When overwhelmed they moved on, even though there is “all you can eat” right in front of them!
So the strategy for implementing change in your business is the same as attracting customers to your business. Feed them a little bit at a time until you have established yourself as the trusted go-to person for what they are looking for.

Christian Mickelsen pointed out these 3 insights from watching people feed the birds;
#1) When you chase anyone, their instinctive reaction is to run away. Even when you chase them with something they want!
#2) When you toss out a few tasty bits, you start attracting to the point of having them eating out of the palm of your hand.
#3) When overwhelmed they moved on, even though there is “all you can eat” right in front of them!
So the strategy for implementing change in your business is the same as attracting customers to your business. Feed them a little bit at a time until you have established yourself as the trusted go-to person for what they are looking for.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Leaving LeadPages ... Here's Why You Should Too
They want you to pay a monthly fee for "hosting" while constantly asking you to upgrade, upgrade, upgrade just to get ANY of the features and functions that you REALLY need to build robust and high converting sales pages.
And yet, this EXACT scheme that most "point & click" page building companies are running can be hosted on your own site.
Here's how ... with web builder tricks
And yet, this EXACT scheme that most "point & click" page building companies are running can be hosted on your own site.
Here's how ... with web builder tricks
Saturday, April 2, 2016
The Road To Independence
Six weeks after closing the Restaurant and I’m still wide awake at 4am each morning. I guess those years of 18 hour work days have developed early rising into a habit. No alarm required. Watching the sun come up has given me the time to reflect on this next phase of life’s game plan Click to continue reading ...
Monday, March 21, 2016
Are you working on branding?
A few years ago some advertising people came to visit me. I was promoting my restaurant and working hard to bring in new customers. They saw that as an opportunity to talk about branding. To them, it seemed, my advertising should focus on presenting my unique selling proposition - we entered a lengthy discussion about what differentiates us from our competition.
To me, building your brand goes way beyond that. Your brand is the experience your company provides to customers throughout their relationship with you. Every customer touchpoint is a brand moment. Those promoting branding say that a solid brand is the foundation upon which your corporate culture and future growth is built. To me, that is putting the cart before the horse. Your brand is how people react to how well you live and breathe your values and your vision. It’s not how your company wants to be perceived in the marketplace, but how it actually is perceived by customers. When there’s a misalignment between these perceptions, your brand is broken.
So when you set out to work on your brand, focus on 3 things
To me, building your brand goes way beyond that. Your brand is the experience your company provides to customers throughout their relationship with you. Every customer touchpoint is a brand moment. Those promoting branding say that a solid brand is the foundation upon which your corporate culture and future growth is built. To me, that is putting the cart before the horse. Your brand is how people react to how well you live and breathe your values and your vision. It’s not how your company wants to be perceived in the marketplace, but how it actually is perceived by customers. When there’s a misalignment between these perceptions, your brand is broken.
So when you set out to work on your brand, focus on 3 things
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Looking for your next gig?
Job Seekers
Think you have what it takes to be a part of our growing team? Learn about our culture, benefits and unique work from home program.
Click Here for more information
Think you have what it takes to be a part of our growing team? Learn about our culture, benefits and unique work from home program.
Click Here for more information
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
There are ONLY 7 ways to make money
Some thoughts to share on how to earn an income, doing what you love.
I’m not an artist, or a musician. Perhaps that’s a good thing because there are plenty of starving artists and musicians looking for a job to pay the bills.
The hardest thing for most people is figuring out how they are going to earn a living. When it comes down to it, it’s not really that hard. When you boil it down to its simplest form, there are only 7 ways to make money, be it on line or off line;
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I’m not an artist, or a musician. Perhaps that’s a good thing because there are plenty of starving artists and musicians looking for a job to pay the bills.
The hardest thing for most people is figuring out how they are going to earn a living. When it comes down to it, it’s not really that hard. When you boil it down to its simplest form, there are only 7 ways to make money, be it on line or off line;
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